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Caring for your children with Symphony of the Cells essential oil applications has been been so easy! The parent's guide bi-fold shares:

  • Detailed instructions for how to use SOC and essential oils safely for children
  • The full sets to the Basic SOC Application and possible related conditions it can help support
  • How to support common concerns including emotional and digestive conditions: a list of essential oils, SOC applications and natural supplements that are ideal to use.

The Parent Guide is an easy to reference guide you can trust, when it comes to using essential oils to support your family.

You can also share the bi-fold with others: in a class setting, with friends, potential clients, team members and more!

Content: 1 Single Brochure

Manufacturer (GPSR): Symphony of the Cells, 931 Calle Negocio, Suite F, San Clemente, CA 92673, USA. contact@symphonyofthecells.com

EU responsible person (GPSR): EO Supplies Germany GmbH, Am Zeppelinpark 27, 13591, Berlin, Germany. hello@eosupplies.de

Caring for your children with Symphony of the Cells essential oil applications has been been so easy! The parent's guide bi-fold shares:

  • Detailed instructions for how to use SOC and essential oils safely for children
  • The full sets to the Basic SOC Application and possible related conditions it can help support
  • How to support common concerns including emotional and digestive conditions: a list of essential oils, SOC applications and natural supplements that are ideal to use.

The Parent Guide is an easy to reference guide you can trust, when it comes to using essential oils to support your family.

You can also share the bi-fold with others: in a class setting, with friends, potential clients, team members and more!

Content: 1 Single Brochure

Manufacturer (GPSR): Symphony of the Cells, 931 Calle Negocio, Suite F, San Clemente, CA 92673, USA. contact@symphonyofthecells.com

EU responsible person (GPSR): EO Supplies Germany GmbH, Am Zeppelinpark 27, 13591, Berlin, Germany. hello@eosupplies.de



Symphony of the Cells Parent's Guide - Single Brochure - ENGLISH Symphony of the Cells Parent's Guide - Single Brochure - ENGLISH

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